[Kiddalee]: 225.Poetry.For
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The Trochees Of Insanity!
by Vicki Sue Nemeth
Jugglers juggle tangerines which penguins made of wooden wood.
Lightweight emerald petals fall when I forget to wear my hood.
I am only writing this because my teacher said I should.
Tangerines that penguins play with turn to wood in little light.
Emeralds grow like petals juggling if volcanoes flower right.
I am only writing this because my teacher thought I might.
Penguins slip on slides of wood which light through emeralds shines upon.
Petals juggle tangerine trees when the cameramen have gone.
I am only writing this because my teacher called it fun.
Wooden lightweights weigh you down when emerald petals they contain.
Juggled tangerines by penguins will not cease to turn me vain.
I am only writing this because my teacher pulled a rein.
Light refracting through an emerald juggles petals on the wall.
Tangerines are penguins' wooden sculptures that will roll, not fall.
I am only writing this because my teacher gave the call.
Emerald jugglers have the job that petals give to tangerines.
Penguins use their wooden lights to stop a kid from being mean.
I am only writing this because my teacher called it keen.